About Zion

Thank you for your interest in Zion Lutheran Church.  We hope you will find answers to some basic questions below. Most of all we hope that you will find a church home where the Good News of Jesus Christ is proclaimed and God’s gifts of life and salvation are delivered.  If you think Zion Lutheran might be that place for you, consider a Sunday visit – we already think you’ll fit right in.

Basic Questions about Sunday Mornings

1.  Where is the church located?

Zion is located at 11007 South Book Rd. in Naperville, Illinois (the corner of Book and Hassert/111th a mile East of Route 59).  Click for map

2.  When are your services?

Sunday services are currently at 9:30a. Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday.

3.  How long are your services?

The vast majority of our Sunday services fall between 60-70 minutes.

4.  What’s the dress code?

In the Divine Service we are in the presence of God Himself.  When we meet God, we wear our best, not because it earns us extra points with Him, but out of love and respect for who He is and what He has done for us.

5.  What’s the service sound like?

Zion uses a hymnal (Lutheran Service Book) for all its services. The hymns and liturgy are sung to organ accompaniment. Many services are complemented by a very active adult choir as well as additional musicians.

6.  What about the kids?

We want your kids in service. The Divine Service is a sensory feast with lots of ritual and symbolism pointing to the goodness of God. We don’t mind the usual noises and wiggliness of kids in the service. 

More Questions and Answers

7.  Is your worship service contemporary or traditional?

The way we worship reflects what we believe.  For us, that means using liturgy.  Liturgy is a balance of God giving His gifts and our response to those gifts. “Divine Service” catches both of these directions.  Liturgical worship is historic (Christians have been worshiping this way for nearly 2000 years).  It is Christ-centered (focused on Jesus’ death and resurrection for sinners).  And in a sense, it is neither traditional or contemporary, but both. You can view our recent services on our Facebook or YouTube pages. 

8.  What about Bible Study and Sunday School?

For the summer, Bible Class and Sunday School will meet together at 10:45a.  We also offer a Bible Study on Wednesday mornings from 9:30a to 10:30a.  Most Bible Studies are also streamed to Facebook and YouTube.

9.  What’s a Synod?

The word “Synod” comes from two Greek words that mean “walking together.” The term has rich meaning in our church body, because congregations voluntarily choose to belong to the Synod. Though diverse in their service, our over 6,000 congregations hold to a shared confession of Jesus Christ as taught in Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions (called The Book of Concord).  Zion Lutheran Church, has been part of the LCMS since its founding in 1864.  For more about the LCMS see the Synod’s excellent website. Click for the LCMS website

10.  What are the church office hours?

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00am until 3:00pm. The office is closed on Thursdays.
